In as little as two to three months, our clients report significant relief from over 100 symptoms with neurofeedback.

How Neurofeedback Works

Your brain is stored inside of the darkness of your skull. It relies heavily on feedback from your six senses; sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and spatial awareness.

Your brain is constantly working. It is the operating center for every system in your body including your skeletal, nervous, muscular, respiratory, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular/circulatory, urinary, integumentary, reproductive, and digestive systems.

As your brain is working, it is emitting micro movements, vibrations and various frequencies called “brain waves.” These movements, vibrations and frequencies can be captured through the electrodes we place on your scalp. Once that information is captured through the electrodes, it can then be amplified through the amplifying software.

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Once amplified, this information is then directly fed back to your brain through your eyes and ears. Once your brain can “see” and “hear” its own activity through that visual and auditory simulation, it can evaluate how it is doing and make any necessary corrections.

As amazing as it sounds, it is true, once your brain has a very direct and amplified mirror image of its activity, it can evaluate how it’s doing. And if it finds errors, it makes corrections which is where the miracles happen. Your brain is actually hardwired to know how it’s supposed to perform and when it receives that direct feedback, it can optimize its own activity, make corrections and become healthier which then impacts all of your bodily systems.

Covington Neurofeedback, sleep apnea, IBS

The brain always moves toward optimal functioning. For example, your brain moves toward peace and calm and away from nervousness and anxiety. It also regulates hormones which radically elevate mood.

It prioritizes the regulation of sleep cycles, calms your visceral and nervous systems, corrects your digestion, and about a hundred other trackable symptoms. 


When you are training, no electricity, vibration, or external signal is going into the brain. In addition, brain training with Neurofeedback® does not target specific areas of the brain nor does it push the brain in any direction by giving it goals to achieve, decided by an “expert.” In this way, Neurofeedback® is globally effective while remarkably free of unwanted side effects.

100% Natural

Each brain is unique and knows the best way to “correct” itself for improved efficiency. NeurOptimal® simply provides the central nervous system with information about its own activity. Given the right information the brain can naturally optimize itself.